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Created 20-Dec-18
Modified 5-Mar-25
Visitors 6
13 photos, 4 videos

Categories & Keywords
Subcategory Detail:

Helping out at Rocket Dog Rescue

Helping out at Rocket Dog Rescue

Helping out at Rocket Dog Rescue

Helping out at Rocket Dog Rescue

New suit for Ted's wedding

New suit for Ted's wedding

Playing games at RJ's work party

Playing games at RJ's work party

F trying to put a pillowcase on; it's a bit tall for her :D

F trying to put a pillowcase on; it's a bit tall for her :D

Some F art

Some F art

Enjoying the sunset

Enjoying the sunset

Braiding Grampa Dennis's hair

Braiding Grampa Dennis's hair

Snuggling with Grampa Dennis

Snuggling with Grampa Dennis

Dressed up for the pre-wedding dinner

Dressed up for the pre-wedding dinner

Having fun at the pre-wedding dinner

Having fun at the pre-wedding dinner

Girls dressed up for T&O's wedding

Girls dressed up for T&O's wedding

Girls dancing at T&O's wedding

Girls dancing at T&O's wedding

Girls rocking out at T&O's wedding

Reading to mom

Reading to mom

Girls riding a miniature train