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Created 16-Jul-17
Modified 5-Mar-25
Visitors 1
15 photos, 3 videos

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Doing some miniature painting.

Doing some miniature painting.

The girls painted miniatures!

The girls painted miniatures!

The girls with their miniatures.

The girls with their miniatures.

F with some makeup.

F with some makeup.

Everybody miniature painting.

Everybody miniature painting.

F with more makeup.

F with more makeup.

Me with makeup.

Me with makeup.

Lego Friends, Duplo Castle, and Halloween monster figures in the same scene.

Lego Friends, Duplo Castle, and Halloween monster figures in the same scene.

She really *really* likes her new boots.

She really *really* likes her new boots.

K made a complicated block tower in very little space.

K made a complicated block tower in very little space.

The girls helped with gingerbread.

The girls helped with gingerbread.

The girls helped with gingerbread.

The girls helped with gingerbread.

Do we get free cars there?

Do we get free cars there?

So much drawing!

So much drawing!

K's getting new teeth.

F is also getting new teeth.

F has a leesh! at the AKC Dog Show 2017.

F has a leesh! at the AKC Dog Show 2017.

The slime making song.