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Created 6-Feb-15
Modified 5-Mar-25
Visitors 16
19 photos, 7 videos

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Playing chase with Ga.

Josh And A and the girls #MomTrip2015

Josh And A and the girls #MomTrip2015

Josh and A and the girls #MomTrip2015

Josh and A and the girls #MomTrip2015

They *loved* this old-school telephone we found in Toronto, Canada #MomTrip2015

They *loved* this old-school telephone we found in Toronto, Canada #MomTrip2015

Having fun at Ga's house. #MomTrip2015

Having fun at Ga's house. #MomTrip2015

Visiting a friend's flower garden at Ga's house. #MomTrip2015

Visiting a friend's flower garden at Ga's house. #MomTrip2015

Chillin'. #MomTrip2015

Chillin'.  #MomTrip2015

Dressed up. #MomTrip2015

Dressed up.  #MomTrip2015

Dressed up again #MomTrip2015

Dressed up again #MomTrip2015

Posing. #MomTrip2015

Posing.  #MomTrip2015

Girls helping out. In theory.

Taking a picture of people taking picture of the sunset, because I love meta. #MomTrip2015

Taking a picture of people taking picture of the sunset, because I love meta.  #MomTrip2015

A tour of the cottage

F carrying a snake! #MomTrip2015

F carrying a snake!  #MomTrip2015

Hanging out at If's house. #MomTrip2015

Hanging out at If's house.  #MomTrip2015

Sleeping K, crazy F.

Playing in Ga's mini hot tub #MomTrip2015

Playing in Ga's mini hot tub #MomTrip2015

It's all about the dressup. #MomTrip2015

It's all about the dressup.  #MomTrip2015

At the airport, making friends. #MomTrip2015

At the airport, making friends. #MomTrip2015

Leave snow mess!