K wearing a shirt of mine. Which is apparently hers
Babies playing at sleep, with AJ on skype.
K made her own bed in the hallway.
F started getting really into looking at everything using my phone as a viewfinder, so I turned video recording on so we could see a baby's eye view of the world.
K sleeping on RJ
F apparently made this without me noticing.
F helping RJ sort comics.
F did not seem nearly as fascinated as me that she'd found a surface that stops bubbles from popping.
Very messy F! Tasty pie.
Very messy K! Tasty pie.
F singing I'm a little teapot with a bunch of other kids.
Extremely popular babies!
Extremely popular babies!
I think F took this.
F doing a speed metal rendition of Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star. No, really.