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Created 20-Dec-22
Modified 5-Mar-25
Visitors 11
18 photos, 6 videos

Categories & Keywords
Subcategory Detail:

F did me up in Leia hair :D

F did me up in Leia hair :D

Making a fancy wet mop 1/2

Cleaning the hardscape with the fancy wet mop

Cleaning the hardscape with the fancy wet mop

Making a fancy wet mop 2/2

Being rude to F while I'm working

F following me to my very non-ergonomic covid work setup

Pretty sunset

Pretty sunset

F made a picture of her favorite horse

F made a picture of her favorite horse

The day the Bay Area turned orange 1/4

The day the Bay Area turned orange 1/4

The day the Bay Area turned orange 2/4

The day the Bay Area turned orange 2/4

The day the Bay Area turned orange 3/4

The day the Bay Area turned orange 3/4

The day the Bay Area turned orange 4/4

The day the Bay Area turned orange 4/4

Working on the abdomen puzzle

Working on the abdomen puzzle

F being upset about covid

Drawing some emotions

Drawing some emotions

Making silly faces with F

Making silly faces with F

Abdomen puzzle finished!

Abdomen puzzle finished!

Head and chest and abdomen puzzles done!

Head and chest and abdomen puzzles done!

A sweet note from F 1/2

A sweet note from F 1/2

A sweet note from F 2/2

A sweet note from F 2/2