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Created 20-Dec-22
Modified 5-Mar-25
Visitors 5
11 photos, 2 videos

Categories & Keywords
Subcategory Detail:

Setup time at FanWar LARP

Setup time at FanWar LARP

FanWar LARP outfits

FanWar LARP outfits

K did a bunch of work with her chemistry kit

K did a bunch of work with her chemistry kit

F at the Symphony

F at the Symphony

Working on our head puzzle

Working on our head puzzle

At Joshua's birthday party 1/4

At Joshua's birthday party 1/4

At Joshua's birthday party 2/4

At Joshua's birthday party 2/4

At Joshua's birthday party 3/4

At Joshua's birthday party 3/4

At Joshua's birthday party 4/4

At Joshua's birthday party 4/4

Completed head puzzle!

Completed head puzzle!

Life imatates art

Life imatates art

K making a dance party with smart lights

K dancing to a smart light dance party