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Created 20-Dec-22
Modified 5-Mar-25
Visitors 3
12 photos, 7 videos

Categories & Keywords
Subcategory Detail:

Watching TV with Waffles

Watching TV with Waffles

Girls practicing dancing for school

Rocking the vote

Rocking the vote

Helping out with painting an octopus for a new recreation area

Helping out with painting an octopus for a new recreation area

Hi Waffles

Hi Waffles

Coyotes on the hill behind our house

K hanging out with Waffles

K hanging out with Waffles

Spinning at the park

Spinning at the park

F practicing hand stands

K holding a very small hawk :D

K holding a very small hawk :D

Caught F falling off a horse on camera

I got some face paint

I got some face paint

K having fun on the slightly broken tire swing

F with face paint

F with face paint

F and K meeting dogs at the park

F and K meeting dogs at the park

F with dogs montage

K being a monarch at the zoo

K being a monarch at the zoo

F being a monarch at the zoo

F being a monarch at the zoo

F working on her handstands at the zoo