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Created 20-Dec-22
Modified 5-Mar-25
Visitors 6
12 photos, 9 videos

Categories & Keywords
Subcategory Detail:

K working on dress designs

K working on dress designs

K and RJ watching a NASA movie

F found a ladybug

F found a ladybug

Surprising the girls with a hotel / pool trip

F doing a lap in the hotel pool

F always finds the dog

F always finds the dog

The girls playing on hotel exercise machines

The girls playing on hotel exercise machines

The girls enjoying the pizza floaty

The girls enjoying the pizza floaty

Waffles hunting for crickets

F posing

F posing

K posing

K posing

Girls together

Girls together

Yoga in the kitchen

Yoga in the kitchen

More yoga in the kitchen

More yoga in the kitchen

The girls tried to dye my white hairs with kool-aid

The girls tried to dye my white hairs with kool-aid

F performing in a horse show event

F winning second place in a horse show event

F winning third place in a horse show event

F with her horse show ribbons

Random heart on my keyboard

Random heart on my keyboard