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Created 26-Nov-13
Modified 5-Mar-25
Visitors 34
22 photos, 8 videos

Categories & Keywords
Subcategory Detail:

Biiiig hugs for Daddy RJ.

Biiiig hugs for Daddy RJ.

Seeping together.

Seeping together.

K turning a bench into a drum.

Very asleep.

Very asleep.

Sharing food.

Sharing food.



Babies saying awoooo!, which is what wolves in the Dracula book say.

K ready for the tub.

K ready for the tub.

F ready for the tub.

F ready for the tub.

K dancing to disco, a little bit.

K discovers Pooch!

K discovers Pooch!

Makin' friends and huggin'.

Makin' friends and huggin'.

"If you come just a bit closer we can mind meld!"

"If you come just a bit closer we can mind meld!"

More hugging.

More hugging.



Trying out daddy's shoes.

Trying out daddy's shoes.

Baby re-arranging furniture bigger than she is.

F dancing a bit to Instant Club Hit/You'll Dance To Anything (Dead Milkmen)

Climbing babies.

Climbing babies.

K climbing and exploring and being very flexible.