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Created 30-Nov-13
Modified 5-Mar-25
Visitors 115
32 photos, 10 videos

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Subcategory Detail:

Babies helping Jon with the guitar.

F helping play a song on Jon's guitar.

F has opinions about Jon's guitar playing.

K dancing to Jon's guitar playing.

F taking pictures. There are *so many* of these.

F taking pictures.  There are *so many* of these.

Mother's Day 2014 present to my mom

Girls with Aunty M and flowers

Girls with Aunty M and flowers

F taking an unusually entertaining video.

F taking an unusually entertaining video.

Sleeping F with Daddy RJ

Sleeping F with Daddy RJ

Making some art at play class!

Making some art at play class!

Walking a toy at play class.

Walking a toy at play class.

All together at play class.

All together at play class.

Playing on the slide at play class.

Playing on the slide at play class.

... Thanks for taking that pic, F. Very flattering.

... Thanks for taking that pic, F.  Very flattering.

Happy girls at the zoo

Happy girls at the zoo

Babies are helping in the car!

Babies are helping in the car!

I *think* she did this to herself, but regardless *somebody* didn't want K talking. :D

I *think* she did this to herself, but regardless *somebody* didn't want K talking.  :D

Girls with their new fancy hats!

Girls with their new fancy hats!

A text that F wrote to Jon. Note that my keyboard is swipe style.

A text that F wrote to Jon.  Note that my keyboard is swipe style.