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Created 30-Nov-13
Modified 5-Mar-25
Visitors 78
35 photos, 21 videos

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More floomp!

More floomp!

Babies dancing to a DVD menu theme song. Alladin, I think?

Babies asking for food for the ducks.

Babies trying to feed the ducks. They had some trouble with distance.

Babies playing on the climbing slide *all by themselves*.

K sliding on the very big slide, that she'd climbed up to mostly on her own.

F climbing up to and going down the big slide all by herself!

F enjoying the smiley face I made.

F enjoying the smiley face I made.

K with a bruise.

K with a bruise.

K not letting me get a good view on her bruise.

K not letting me get a good view on her bruise.

Babies sloooowly falling asleep to kid's shows.

Babies sloooowly falling asleep to kid's shows.

Babies fell asleep to kid's shows.

Babies fell asleep to kid's shows.

K playing doctor (that's what she calls it when she uses my headset) on Skype.

K playing doctor (that's what she calls it when she uses my headset) on Skype.

Dressed up for a big game!

Dressed up for a big game!

Laughing Giants fans

Laughing Giants fans

K's face injury (she ran into a table) after a few days.

K's face injury (she ran into a table) after a few days.



Making bubbles with strawberry crates at the Big San Francisco Play Date at the library.

Making bubbles with strawberry crates at the Big San Francisco Play Date at the library.

Playing with tools at the Big San Francisco Play Date at the library.

Playing with tools  at the Big San Francisco Play Date at the library.

Big San Francisco Play Date at the library!