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Created 20-Dec-22
Modified 5-Mar-25
Visitors 9
21 photos, 11 videos

Categories & Keywords
Subcategory Detail:

F climbing

F climbing

K climbing, filmed by F

F climbing, filmed by K

K climbing

K climbing

First time in the new house!

First time in the new house!

Reading in the new house

Reading in the new house

Exploring the new house

Exploring the new house

In the laundry room

In the laundry room

In the back yard of the new house

In the back yard of the new house

On the roof of the new house

On the roof of the new house

Out front of the new house

Out front of the new house

Spending the night at the new house with no furniture

Spending the night at the new house with no furniture

F trying to practice a talent audition text while I ruin everything

K's pride-themed outfit designs

K hanging sideways

K hanging sideways

K posing upside-down

K posing upside-down

Last tour of the old house

Keeping the new place tidy -_-

Keeping the new place tidy -_-

K working on her rollercoaster

K working on her rollercoaster

Not the very smartest animal in the world