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Created 10-May-14
Modified 5-Mar-25
Visitors 75
45 photos, 13 videos

Categories & Keywords
Subcategory Detail:

Spinny babies weeeee!

F pushing the merry-go-round.

F on a biiiig slide, 1/3

F on a biiiig slide, 1/3

F on a biiiig slide, 2/3

F on a biiiig slide, 2/3

F on a biiiig slide, 3/3

F on a biiiig slide, 3/3

Art time at an SFPOM event.

Art time at an SFPOM event.

Accidental face paint, with stickers!

Accidental face paint, with stickers!

Double swinging!

Double swinging!

Babies running around RJ in circles, top view.

Slice of life, taken by F.

Slice of life, taken by F.

RJ and K, as taken by F.

RJ and K, as taken by F.

Devil Robin shot, taken by F.

Devil Robin shot, taken by F.

Kids trying to suffocate a puppy or something.

Kids trying to suffocate a puppy or something.

Sticker time?!

Sticker time?!

I swear this was her idea.

I swear this was her idea.

Me telling them that if they're going to throw water out of the pool, could they at least throw it at the plants??

Getting serious about shopping

Getting serious about shopping

Fell asleep on the couch with a bear pillow! :3

Fell asleep on the couch with a bear pillow!  :3

Having fun with the shopping cart.

Having fun with the shopping cart.

Playing with blocks for real! A very recent development.

Playing with blocks for real!  A very recent development.