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Created 6-Feb-15
Modified 5-Mar-25
Visitors 10
36 photos, 12 videos

Categories & Keywords
Subcategory Detail:

Cuddling my favorite stuffy from when I was little.

Cuddling my favorite stuffy from when I was little.

The mask lived in the car for a while and got crushed, and suddenly K wanted to try it.

The mask lived in the car for a while and got crushed, and suddenly K wanted to try it.

They decided to help me sweep.

At the Berkeley kid psych lab.

At the Berkeley kid psych lab.

K being experimented upon at the Berkeley kid psych lab.

K being experimented upon at the Berkeley kid psych lab.

Making friends (and trying on an Iron Man(?) mask) at the Peekaboo Factory.

Making friends (and trying on an Iron Man(?) mask) at the Peekaboo Factory.

Best pillow.

Best pillow.

Sleepy time with RJ.

Sleepy time with RJ.

A rare moment of calm.

Yay bathing suits!

Yay bathing suits!

Doing some climbing.

Doing some climbing.

I found some help at a playground. :)

This one park in Pacifica has a cool climbing tunnel.

Practicing manual dexterity.

K playing with her dolls. :3

Princess F

Princess F

Princess K

Princess K

Mad face!

Mad face!

Super helpful F!!!

Star Trek chair #BayCon2015

Star Trek chair #BayCon2015