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Robin Lee Powell
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Twin Pictures, In Chunks
RLP's Favorites
RLP's Favorites Slideshow
Twin Pictures And Videos, In Six Month Chunks
Twin Pictures And Videos, 2 Yrs - 2.5 Yrs
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© Robin Lee Powell
I walked F to my glasses pickup appointment. She wanted to try some. :3
I bought some very cheap lights for the girls. They seem popular. :)
I bought some very cheap lights for the girls. They seem popular. :)
I bought some very cheap lights for the girls. They seem popular. :)
I bought some very cheap lights for the girls. They seem popular. :)
I bought some very cheap lights for the girls. They seem popular. :)
{mi fenki} means I'm crazy. daddy fenki is the obvious language mashup.
{mi fenki} means I'm crazy. daddy fenki is the obvious language mashup.
They know they're going to fall asleep soon. They are not pleased.
Babies at a bouncy house thingy with animals and such.
Babies at a bouncy house thingy with animals and such.
Babies in a bouncy house (sort of
Babies in a bouncy house (sort of
Babies on a human-powered merry-go-round at Dickens Fair. The woman in the middle is telling a story about the African animals.
F decided to climb off the boobs, climb up on me, and try to fall asleep.
F decided to climb off the boobs, climb up on me, and try to fall asleep. She suceeded.
The beer bottle glass shard K was chewing on. -___-
Carrying a curtain rod up the stairs.
Babies playing at sleep!
Babies playing at sleep. F is checking that her eyes are actually closed. Yes, really.
K wanted to play in the storage container/crib; I think she actually *climbed in* on her own.
Dusting Daddy RJ's glasess.
Dusting F's face.
The xylophone is, my babies tell me, the cat's bed for sleeping in.