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Created 20-Dec-18
Modified 5-Mar-25
Visitors 17
12 photos, 7 videos

Categories & Keywords
Subcategory Detail:

K school picture

K school picture

F school picture

F school picture

Shaving time!

Shaving time!

Doing The Box while brushing

Paper dolls in bed

Paper dolls in bed

The girls receiving their hand-made Baby Cthulhu dolls

K's rocket at Mission Science

K's rocket at Mission Science

Firing K's rocket at Mission Science

K's car at Mission Science, early stages

K's car at Mission Science, early stages

K's car at Mission Science

K's car at Mission Science

K made an amazing car and house for paper dolls

Bathtub art

Bathtub art

Home-made outfit and bed for Barbie

Home-made outfit and bed for Barbie

F enjoying an exercise machine

Kids Dance @ BayCon 2019

F braided my hair

F braided my hair

F's Colored Hair @ BayCon 2019

F's Colored Hair @ BayCon 2019

K dressed up @ BayCon 2019

K dressed up @ BayCon 2019

Girls seeing their old babysitter for the first time in ages