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Created 28-Dec-22
Modified 13-Jan-23
Visitors 6
100 photos, 52 videos

Categories & Keywords
Subcategory Detail:

K's Jet Pack 1/2

K's Jet Pack 1/2

K's Jet Pack 2/2

K's Jet Pack 2/2

K did a buzz cut on half her head!

K did a buzz cut on half her head!

K dressed up with her new haircut

K dressed up with her new haircut

K in a flower motif

K in a flower motif

Maybe I should make the sign bigger?

Maybe I should make the sign bigger?

Final shot of the backyard of the old house

Final shot of the backyard of the old house

Girls jumping in at swim class

Final shot out the front window at the old house

Final shot out the front window at the old house

Waffles exploring the new house

Waffles exploring the new house

K's secret box project

Girls with doggos

Girls with doggos

F with doggos

F with doggos

F doing some cantering

K's first cooking in the oven by herself, potato skins (in the new house)

K's first cooking in the oven by herself, potato skins (in the new house)

K enjoying her potato skins

K enjoying her potato skins

Playing in the new backyard

Playing in the new backyard

K chillin' in the laundry room

K chillin' in the laundry room

K with a fancy hairband

K with a fancy hairband

Waffles on her way to the vet

Waffles on her way to the vet