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Created 24-Nov-13
Modified 5-Mar-25
Visitors 67
24 photos, 2 videos

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Baby shower cake. At the time we had no names, so they were A-by and B-by

Baby shower cake.  At the time we had no names, so they were A-by and B-by

From the baby shower

From the baby shower

SWAG! My room is messy, but basically all the bags and boxes here were baby related gifts.

F in the hospital room

F in the hospital room

K in the NICU

K in the NICU

Very sleepy newborn! First day!

RA with the babies in the hospital on day 2 or so

RA with the babies in the hospital on day 2 or so

First time in the car seat

First time in the car seat

First time in the crib

First time in the crib

Om nom nom baby for cthulhu! (also, skin-to-skin time)

Om nom nom baby for cthulhu! (also, skin-to-skin time)

RA's mom with the babies

RA's mom with the babies

Seeeeepy baby, three days old.

Seeeeepy baby, three days old.

Another sleepy three day old.

Another sleepy three day old.

Sleepy 3 day old with Uncle S.

Sleepy 3 day old with Uncle S.

3 day old baby and cousin R having a nap.

3 day old baby and cousin R having a nap.

These babies sleep hard! (K)

These babies sleep hard! (K)

These babies sleep hard!, doctor's office edition (K)

These babies sleep hard!, doctor's office edition (K)

I swear she likes being held this way (K)

I swear she likes being held this way (K)

RA and RLP with the babies

RA and RLP with the babies

RA and RJ with the babies

RA and RJ with the babies