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Created 20-Dec-18
Modified 5-Mar-25
Visitors 8
21 photos, 19 videos

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Subcategory Detail:

K collected some pine needles :D

K collected some pine needles :D

Blue tongue!

Blue tongue!

K and I enjoying our baby Cthulhu shirts

K and I enjoying our baby Cthulhu shirts

F did all of this, it says so at the top!

F did all of this, it says so at the top!

K and RLP in a selfie

K and RLP in a selfie

The girls dancing with flowers for my birthday 1/6

The girls dancing with flowers for my birthday 2/6

The girls dancing with flowers for my birthday 3/6

The girls dancing with flowers for my birthday 4/6

The girls dancing with flowers for my birthday 5/6

The girls dancing with flowers for my birthday 6/6

Girls dressed up for VNV Nation

Girls dressed up for VNV Nation

K dancing to the VNV Nation opener

F(?) filming a VNV Nation light show

Writing messages to mom in the bath

Writing messages to mom in the bath

F climbing the side of a slide

K saying hi to a horse at Webb Ranch

K saying hi to a horse at Webb Ranch

Braided hair for Rapunzel

Braided hair for Rapunzel

Proof I got called out for being an awesome parent at a VNV Nation concert

Proof I got called out for being an awesome parent at a VNV Nation concert

Fancy K fingernails!

Fancy K fingernails!