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Created 24-Nov-13
Modified 5-Mar-25
Visitors 30
24 photos

Categories & Keywords
Subcategory Detail:

Very young babies sleeping! 2 weeks old.

Very young babies sleeping!  2 weeks old.

AJ with one girl in the sling, 3 Nov 2011

AJ with one girl in the sling, 3 Nov 2011

AJ with the babies

AJ with the babies

Thoughtful baby

Thoughtful baby

K? is upset

K? is upset

K playing the exorcist

K playing the exorcist

K asleep at City Hall, 15 Nov 2011

K asleep at City Hall, 15 Nov 2011

K and RA getting a birth certificate, 15 Nov 2011

K and RA getting a birth certificate, 15 Nov 2011

2 weeks old

2 weeks old

Baby stacking! (in the sling)

Baby stacking!  (in the sling)

Someone and R, 18 Nov 2011

Someone and R, 18 Nov 2011

Bath time cuddles.

Bath time cuddles.

Bath time kisses.

Bath time kisses.

Baby in a towel after the first bath.

Baby in a towel after the first bath.

Baby in the towel after first bath.

Baby in the towel after first bath.

We wanted to take pictures in their hospital shirts. They ... not so much. This is The one month old picture. The shirts are "I was born at UCSF Benioff", except K's has "supposed to be" drawn in.

We wanted to take pictures in their hospital shirts.  They ... not so much.  This is The one month old picture.  The shirts are "I was born at UCSF Benioff", except K's has "supposed to be" drawn in.

Adorable shirts, cranky babies. One month old pics.

Adorable shirts, cranky babies.  One month old pics.

Baby nostril attack!

Baby nostril attack!

WTH? Our baby has been replaced with a frog!

WTH?  Our baby has been replaced with a frog!

Dopey the dwarf!

Dopey the dwarf!