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Created 20-Dec-18
Modified 5-Mar-25
Visitors 3
23 photos, 13 videos

Categories & Keywords
Subcategory Detail:

School Zoo Trip: Picture cut-outs

School Zoo Trip: Picture cut-outs

School Zoo Trip: So many arms

School Zoo Trip: So many arms

School Zoo Trip: Me dancing

School Zoo Trip: Me dancing

School Zoo Trip: Happy Frances

School Zoo Trip: Happy Frances

School Zoo Trip: Frances the panther tamer

School Zoo Trip: Frances the panther tamer

Girls ice skating 1/2

Girls ice skating 1/2

Girls ice skating 2/2

Girls ice skating 2/2

Girls at the Union Square Xmas tree

Girls at the Union Square Xmas tree

F reading in Spanish and K translating, 1/2

F reading in Spanish and K translating, 2/2

Kelly at Winter Performance 1/3

Kelly at Winter Performance 1/3

Kelly at Winter Performance 2/3

Kelly at Winter Performance 3/3

Helping out at Rocket Dog Rescue

Helping out at Rocket Dog Rescue

Trying on some wigs

Trying on some wigs

F being silly in a wig

F being silly in a wig

F helping out at Christmas Eve services 1/2

F helping out at Christmas Eve services 1/2

F helping out at Christmas Eve services 2/2

F helping out at Christmas Eve services 2/2

Loaded down at the airport

Loaded down at the airport

Canada Winter Trip 2019: Crazy F!

Canada Winter Trip 2019: Crazy F!