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Created 20-Dec-18
Modified 5-Mar-25
Visitors 5
22 photos, 3 videos

Categories & Keywords
Subcategory Detail:

Birthday party bouncy house!

Birthday party bouncy house!

Blowing out the candles at their birthday party!

Blowing out the candles at their birthday party!

Birthday party friends!

Birthday party friends!

Birthday party friends!

Birthday party friends!

Deflating the birthday party bouncy house

Deflating the birthday party bouncy house

Deflating the birthday party bouncy house

K doing some chemistry

K doing some chemistry

F dressed up fancy

F dressed up fancy

Girls at Nataly's house for a sleepover

Girls at Nataly's house for a sleepover

Trying out instruments at Aunty Michael's

Trying out instruments at Aunty Michael's

Playing at Aunty Michael's

Playing at Aunty Michael's

Kicking Butt at Aunty Michael's

Kicking Butt at Aunty Michael's

Kicking Butt, The Aftermath at Aunty Michael's

Kicking Butt, The Aftermath at Aunty Michael's

Hugs at Aunty Michael's

Hugs at Aunty Michael's

Drawing at Aunty Michael's

Drawing at Aunty Michael's

The girls at California's Old Faithful

The girls at California's Old Faithful

A picture of California's Old Faithful from the girls' trip

A picture of California's Old Faithful from the girls' trip

Dealing with a frozen smoothy, with giggles

Mani/pedi 1/3

Mani/pedi 1/3

Mani/pedi 2/3

Mani/pedi 2/3