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Created 20-Dec-18
Modified 5-Mar-25
Visitors 1
23 photos, 2 videos

Categories & Keywords
Subcategory Detail:

Complex hair for me, again

Complex hair for me, again

K at pumpkin patch

K at pumpkin patch

F ringing the bell at the pumpkin patch

F ringing the bell at the pumpkin patch

F in charge of train controls at the pumpkin patch

All about that curb appeal

All about that curb appeal

Twins posing at a wedding party

Twins posing at a wedding party

K posing at a wedding party

K posing at a wedding party

K posing at a wedding party

K posing at a wedding party

Helping out at Rocket Dog Rescue

Helping out at Rocket Dog Rescue

K at the pumpkin patch

K at the pumpkin patch

K at the pumpkin patch

K at the pumpkin patch

K at the pumpkin patch

K at the pumpkin patch

F drew on the whiteboard during a meeting at my work

F drew on the whiteboard during a meeting at my work

More F drawing at my work

More F drawing at my work

The heart there is from F.

The heart there is from F.

Rainbow cake for the girls' birthday

Rainbow cake for the girls' birthday

Girls dressed up on their birthday!

Girls dressed up on their birthday!

Birthday posing!

Birthday posing!

The girls are *very* happy about a birthday present.

Girls ready for Halloween!

Girls ready for Halloween!