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Created 10-May-14
Modified 5-Mar-25
Visitors 66
19 photos, 14 videos

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Subcategory Detail:

Ride 'em snail girl!

Ride 'em snail girl!

Did any of the food even get in your stomach?

Did any of the food even get in your stomach?

F running with the camera and fighting with her sister and some talking from K.

F washing the floor in the playhous.

K riding a Secretariat.

F riding Secretariat.

Twins talking and singing about going to AJ's pool

Doing some art

Doing some art

Sleeping babies with a teddy. And turned sideways.

Sleeping babies with a teddy. And turned sideways.

Girls with Cousin R

Girls with Cousin R

We took them fro a sleep car ride and both of them really wanted books.

We took them fro a sleep car ride and both of them really wanted books.

Action shot! (Taken by F)

Action shot!  (Taken by F)

Good shot of K taken by F.

Good shot of K taken by F.

A rather precarious tower that K built.

A rather precarious tower that K built.

RJ got F to sleep, with the snuggling!

RJ got F to sleep, with the snuggling!

I think they said it was a cake? 0.o

I think they said it was a cake?  0.o

Action shot of K, taken by F.

Action shot of K, taken by F.

K climbing a climbing wall with help from RJ. F doing it by herself, which is very impressive. Usually it's the other way around with climbing.

Jumping up and down in muddy puddles! Sort of. Also, those boots are *way* too big.

F washing her playhouse.