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Created 10-May-14
Modified 5-Mar-25
Visitors 101
31 photos, 6 videos

Categories & Keywords
Subcategory Detail:

F smiling for the camera.

F smiling for the camera.

This was as still as I could get K to be...

This was as still as I could get K to be...

Happy birthday celebrations for RJ 1/3

Happy birthday celebrations for RJ 2/3

Happy birthday celebrations for RJ 3/3

Playing on the spinny thing.

Playing on the spinny thing.

Pictures selected by RA's mom as exemplifying the differences in the two girls' personalities. K did the one on the left and F did the one on the right.

Pictures selected by RA's mom as exemplifying the differences in the two girls' personalities.  K did the one on the left and F did the one on the right.

K smiling for the camera.

K smiling for the camera.

K helping RJ with the bill paying.

K helping RJ with the bill paying.

F buried under stuffies, by request. 1/2

F buried under stuffies, by request. 1/2

F buried under stuffies, by request. 2/2

F buried under stuffies, by request. 2/2

A picture of people watching a video conference with me when F fell asleep on me. So meta.

A picture of people watching a video conference with me when F fell asleep on me.  So meta.

F fell asleep on me during a video conference.

F fell asleep on me during a video conference.

Complicated climbing equipment.

Complicated climbing equipment.

Playing in the "dirt".

Playing in the "dirt".

Playing on a dynamically unstable ring thing.

Playing on a dynamically unstable ring thing.

A child took this picture of RLP.

A child took this picture of RLP.

A child took this picture of RA.

A child took this picture of RA.

Picture of block towers, taken by a child.

Picture of block towers, taken by a child.

Out shopping!

Out shopping!