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Created 30-Nov-13
Modified 5-Mar-25
Visitors 100
49 photos, 17 videos

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Me nuts!

Opening presents with AJ.

Opening presents with AJ.

Opening presents with AJ.

Opening presents with AJ.

Opening presents with AJ.

Opening presents with AJ.

Opening presents with AJ.

Opening presents with AJ.

Trying out the new blocks Aunty J got them for 2013 Christmas.

Drawing in the dirt with new friends.

Drawing in the dirt with new friends.

Sorry. It just amused me.

Sorry.  It just amused me.

With other twins on the triple bouncer.

With other twins on the triple bouncer.

Go climbing babies!

Go climbing babies!

Climbing babies, the sillhouette.

Climbing babies, the sillhouette.

Strong babies are strong. The kids there are all at least twice as big as each of mine.

F's Captain America hat

F's Captain America hat

K being like *super emo* in her TARDIS hat.

F being like *super emo* in her TARDIS hat.

Playing on the new slide.

Playing on the new slide.

Twin car driving.

Twin car driving.

F wearing my Ostrich Pillow

F wearing my Ostrich Pillow

Orbital mechanics with babies. Narrated by Daddy RJ.

K getting ready to bowl.

K getting ready to bowl.

K bowling.

K bowling.