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Created 20-Dec-22
Modified 5-Mar-25
Visitors 2
16 photos, 6 videos

Categories & Keywords
Subcategory Detail:

Waffles attacking a fly

K setting up a store probably?

K setting up a store probably?

Waffles is very upset after her vet visit

Waffles is very upset after her vet visit

Waffles enjoying a treat

K carrying F

K carrying F

F carrying K

F carrying K

F in her bathrobe

F in her bathrobe

K dressed up

K dressed up

K in a super colorful outfit with flashing shoes

K in a super colorful outfit with flashing shoes

F in light-up shoes and horse pants

F in light-up shoes and horse pants

F doing some horse jumping

F practicing her rolly shoes

F contorting in a tree

F contorting in a tree

K made a house

A bed for K's house

A bed for K's house

RJ and K did the ISS!

RJ and K did the ISS!

Flying a kite at the beach during the last sunset of 2020

Flying a kite at the beach during the last sunset of 2020

Last sunset of 2020

Last sunset of 2020

Meta photography

Meta photography

Snuggling at the last sunset of 2020

Snuggling at the last sunset of 2020