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Created 20-Dec-22
Modified 5-Mar-25
Visitors 7
17 photos, 8 videos

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Subcategory Detail:

K showing more of her digital art process

F with doggos

F with doggos

K's burn from Waffles' cage

K's burn from Waffles' cage

F in a silly mask

F in a silly mask

F's back to school day stuff 1/3

F's back to school day stuff 1/3

F's back to school day stuff 2/3

F's back to school day stuff 2/3

F's back to school day stuff 3/3

F's back to school day stuff 3/3

F picking up her horse for the horse show

F picking up her horse for the horse show

F picking up her horse for the horse show, video

F ready for her horse show

F ready for her horse show

F's first events at the horse show

F's second events at the horse show

F's third events at the horse show

F with her horse show ribbons

F with her horse show ribbons

K working with her sealing wax kit

K working with her sealing wax kit

Aunty Jen recorded us dancing after we all watched Brave

K did ... some crafting?

K did ... some crafting?

K made a 3D model for her palismen for S to print out

K made a 3D model for her palismen for S to print out

Cleaning a fossil at Mission Science Workshop

Cleaning a fossil at Mission Science Workshop

Playing with a snake at Mission Science Workshop

Playing with a snake at Mission Science Workshop